Screen update

Pension basic information editing screen

Registered person: The person himself    The person himself Logout
Register the basic information of the pension
If you omit an item when registering a category, this value will be used.
tel xxx
HP address
HP creation Owner created website Consignment website
HP address (mobile)
email address It will not be made public; it is for internal communication purposes only.
mobile email address It will not be made public; it is for internal emergency communication purposes only.
SNS1 You can specify up to 4 SNS such as facebook, twitter, Instagram, blog, etc.
banner address
Facility information Capacity First name *Half-width numbers
Map information latitude longitude *Half-width numbers

building pictures pictures
Photo registration/change If you want to specify photo data on your own PC, specify it below.

photo url registration If you want to specify something that is already on the website, specify its URL below.

face photo photo
Photo registration/change If you want to specify photo data on your own PC, specify it below.

photo url registration If you want to specify something that is already on the website, specify its URL below.

Registered photos
(You can register multiple copies. )
Additional photo registration
If you want to specify photo data on your own PC, specify it below.

photo url registration If you want to specify something that is already on the website, specify its URL below.

Registered videos
(You can only register one )
*Not moving yet
Video registration
If you want to specify photo data on your own PC, specify it below.

photo url registration
*If you leave the introductory text, website address, banner, etc. blank on the article registration screen, this basic information will be posted.
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